SCI Engineering Inc., a premier provider of consulting engineering services recently sent us a testimonial. They are using our hardware agent with environment-sensing capabilities. According to their testimonial, our hardware agent alerted them of a temperature issue in the server room that could have caused significant damage to their equipment.

Here’s an excerpt from their email:

“I wanted to drop in and send you a big thanks! The sensor you helped me with a while back alerted me this morning about a temperature anomaly in the server room. This allowed me time to come in and follow our DR plan so the equipment wasn’t damaged.

You helped me save about $1M in potential equipment loss.  We are an engineering and consulting firm so our network is paramount. I appreciate your assistance and everything the product has delivered.  Thanks again, sir.”

 Jon Miller, MCP, HDI
IT Manager
SCI Engineering Inc.

About SCI Engineering Inc.

SCI Engineering is a firm that supports the design and construction industry by providing geotechnical, environmental, natural/cultural resources consultation as well as construction material inspection and testing services

Internet and environment monitoring, all in one

Jon is referring to our Internet monitoring hardware agent that also doubles as an environment sensor.
(Note, at the time of this article, SCI was using, our sister service)

The sensor monitors a number of metrics and can be set to send alerts to potential problems.
For example, an alert can be sent should the temperature, humidity or barometric pressure change too drastically.

If the air quality reading changes, this could indicate that a cabinet is filling with dust, or contaminants, or that something is overheating or slowly burning up. Sound monitoring could alert that something has changed, perhaps a fan or power supply is starting to fail and causing unusual sounds.

Our vibration, sound, and light monitoring might alert to possible tampering. For example, an ambient light reading of anything more than 0 could indicate that someone has opened a cabinet that should be closed unless there is a tech on-site.

ISP Tracker sensor enabled hardware agents can be used with company resources and also at customer premises, remote locations, field installations, and anywhere where knowing about problems with Internet connectivity of environment issues is considered critical for them.

To our surprise, Jon added a Google review about us as well:

“I have searched around for an affordable solution to monitor our data center after having near disasters in the past. After evaluating other options, I decided to give this a try for internet and network status monitoring with alerts along with environmental variables.

Let me tell you, this solution has saved us several times from arguing with service providers to racing into the server room due to environmental issues with our cooling system. The savings this has provided us are incredible and for the small cost, you should definitely give it a try.

Side note- their support is awesome and development truly listens to customer feedback, it doesn’t just disappear like most companies.”

Your feedback makes our products and services better

We built our environment monitoring version of the agent specifically for these kinds of situations.

We take the emails and support forum posts we receive seriously.  Whether it’s good or bad, we want to hear it. Your suggestions and feedback have helped us add new features and refine others.  We are especially glad when something we’ve built can help make a difference.

A big thank you to Jon for sharing how our sensor enabled hardware agent helped his company.  Your email and Google review brightened our team’s day!