Is your area suffering unreliable Internet services?
As a community service and at no cost, ISP Trackercan help your community get more reliable Internet services.
The most challenging aspect of ongoing Internet problems is trying to gather enough facts, proof, and collaborative data when the provider won’t fix or doesn’t see the problems.
Individual complaints can be dismissed but a collective of people and reports is hard to ignore.
Many providers are unwilling to make improvements until there is a compelling need to do so. We believe that Internet services must become highly reliable for everyone at any cost, not only as a money-making opportunity for business owners.
Pulling all of this together including the tools needed to accomplish the task can be overwhelming but this is where ISP Tracker comes in.
Consulting and hands-on help
ISP Tracker offers a free service that can help communities not only gather such information but to represent it in a way that a provider can understand.
Once approved by meeting some basic requirements, our team will start working with your chosen representatives from start to finish.
If you have one or two people with some IP / IT knowledge, that would help a great deal. If not, we can work with people who might not have a lot of high level of technical skills.
For example, having the ability to install and uninstall software on Windows, and change Windows or the local firewall settings if needed.
They should know what DHCP is and how to connect a device on a local network to pick up a DHCP IP. If they know a little about Linux, enough to follow some instructions, this could help if we have to install something on a Linux server for example.
Software or hardware
Options include either software or hardware agents to be installed at various locations across your community. A mix of both is also possible.
Depending on the size of the area and test, we recommend a minimum of 20 locations to gather the best data possible for our team to conclude what they believe are the weak points in your area.
Difference between software and hardware
Some members involved in the test may not want to keep their PC on twenty-four hours per day or the PC may be shut down accidentally.
If a PC is shut down, so is the monitoring software that we provide. In addition, you may with to monitor from locations that do not have PCs or servers to install software onto.
Our hardware devices require no software installation, are self-updating, run 24/7, and require less than one amp of power. They are on the job continuously, never missing an important event and logging any and all problems. These offer the very best data possible for our team to do their work.
The hardware agents would have to be purchased and we usually have dozens of pre-owned devices that we can discount. We are also happy to buy units that you may not be using after the project is concluded.
ISP Tracker final report
Once we have test points set up, we start collecting connectivity data for as long as it takes to get to a conclusion.
After ongoing analysis, ISP Tracker will provide all of the facts and proof of problems that were found which hopefully could motivate the local provider to fix problems.
In some cases, providers are not unwilling to fix problems but most times, simply do not see them with their own monitoring tools.
Reports will show if problems are limited to certain locations or many and even if problems are across multiple providers if more than one is involved in the test.
Providers would not be involved or even be aware of our ongoing analysis until the project is concluded at which point, someone in your community could contact them with your findings.
What are we asking for in return?
Are we really offering this at no cost? Yes, no gimmicks, no surprises.
We are not only interested in helping communities to get better Internet services but these offers can help us too.
We have built a valuable service that lets consumers monitor Internet services and providers for free. Consumers should not have to prove they are experiencing Internet problems, providers should be able to see for themselves.
These offers will help us to get the word out about ISP Tracker so that we can continue to offer a free Community version and will help us to further refine our technology and hopefully, find new ways of using it.
What we do ask for in return is exposure. A news article, blog story, video blog, things that could help other communities to learn about ISP Tracker organically.
Personal information
The ISP Tracker software does not and cannot monitor what a person is doing with their Internet, where they are visiting or other personal information. The software monitors only the Internet connectivity and nothing else.
Reach out if interested
If you could use our services and can help us to find more communities in need, please feel free to call or write to us.
ISP Tracker